Every day millions of 20-something year olds use social media to stay in touch, socialize with colleagues, and discover something new, yet few use the powers of social media to land a dream job, network with company executives, and create real life opportunities.
1. First impressions are everything. Even online:
Making the effort to reach out and network with professionals in your industry takes time, and lets face it; no one like to waste time. Before you reach out, make sure that your profile reads as smoothly as your resumé. Gone are the days where you allowed your resume to speak for your experience and knowledge – now, your Twitter feed, LinkedIn bio and Instagram photos could be your only opportunity to impress.
2. Put your best Face(book) forward:
Use social media sites to illustrate the unique qualities that set you apart from your colleagues – or in this case, your competition. It’s tempting to vent via social media, but instead focus on highlighting industry knowledge or positive non-work activities. No one wants a complainer on the team.
3. You got the interview, now what?!:
You always hear about the “social media background check” that future employers may do, but rarely do you hear about contrary; it’s just as easy for you to check out your interviewer. Take the time prior to the interview to explore the social media accounts of the professional who you are scheduled to meet with. Seeing what topics they are posting on could help you pinpoint what they find interesting and could potentially give you an advantage over other applicants.
4. “It is all about who you know.”:
Whether you are trying to land your dream job or are debating moving in a new career direction, your social network can play a big role. Think of your social network like a web. By using LinkedIn’s “Introduction” feature, you can expand your network with a click of a button. Realistically, the same is true with Twitter. You have the opportunity to follow, favorite, respond and interact with anyone that is a user.
5. Don’t be afraid to be engaged:
To most 20-somethings, the word “engaged” can sometimes be daunting, since it seems like everyone that we graduated middle school with is now “engaged.” Instead of dwelling on others, concentrate your attention on following companies in your field on LinkedIn and Twitter. Join in conversations about industry trends. By doing this you will increase your visibility and could potentially grow your network.
6. Use your tools:
We all know someone that has used LinkedIn to land a job, but how about the other social media sites? For starters, you could use Twitter to find job opportunities in a town near you, using a geosearch and using hashtags like #jobs and #hiring. For something more specific you could try terms that relate to your field, such as, #PublicRelations or #SocialMediaMarketing. Another unique tip on how to fully utilize social media would be to create a unique resume and post it to a Pinterest board. Finalize the board by highlighting certain aspects of your experience and add photos and links.
Have any other reasons why all 20-somethings should be active on social media? Join the conversation below or connect with me on Twitter: @Cgrothues