Developing Web Copy, Blog Posts During COVID-19 Outbreak


 As officials across the U.S., and the globe, struggle to keep pace with the COVID-19 outbreak, “everyday” business as we know it has halted. Retail and service providers are effectively on standby, firms within architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) are adjusting to the “new normal,” and economic development groups are racing to disseminate resources helpful to business owners and displaced workers.

As communications professionals, it is our job to take a calm, measured approach to the crisis by offering sound advice to sustain vital brand messaging. As such, a previous Violet PR blog post relayed top tips for remaining active through the coronavirus scare. Featured prominently among those recommendations: Do not “go dark.”

Today, we expand upon that effort, offering ways you can develop relevant content for blogs as well as pertinent messaging for your website – a shift in focus that could yield a valuable resource “portal” for your stakeholders.

Sites & Forums

As a business or organization with a unique message, it is time to think about ways you can communicate crucial information to target demographics, residents and other stakeholders.

Your resources could become a go-to “forum” for your stakeholders. For example, Tompkins County Area Development (TCAD), the economic development group for Ithaca, N.Y., has turned its homepage into a vital “newsfeed” for local constituents who may be relying on assistance from state government. TCAD has steadily added information to its homepage, almost in real time, to reflect the changing tides of this outbreak. They’ve pointed readers to the state’s Rapid Response Team and tips on unemployment insurance, as well as disaster funding and medical/healthcare guidance.

On the private sector side, hyperlocal news platform,, which is in 1,226 communities nationwide, has ramped up its efforts to serve its municipalities, pointing readers to the popular “Neighbor Posts” for near-real-time input from civic leaders. Patch also encourages readers to volunteer to help neighbors, provide news tips, share ways they’re keeping safe and post about local business.

A daily e-blast from the team notes, “We’ll continue working to keep you informed and connected... – Your friends at Patch.” This is an encouraging sign from a platform that’s capable of informing residents, city officials and businesses.

On the AEC side, firms are heeding the advice of the medical community, and are developing continuity strategies and working to avail themselves to employees, clients, partners and local officials. For example, Violet PR worked alongside Jersey City, N.J.-based land-use firm, Dresdner Robin, to develop web and social media copy that both acknowledges the outbreak/measures taken to mitigate the threat, and ensures clients that workflow will continue.

Overall, businesses can and should be thinking about ways they can assist their respective communities. With reporters craving COVID-19-related content, including uplifting or innovative approaches to conducting business, companies can consider highlighting ways in which they’re thinking “outside the box” or offering valuable resources. Both innovative thinking and readily available resources will prove helpful for the public and your business in a time of great uncertainty.

Targeted Content

These strategic and/or innovative approaches also translate nicely to longer-form posts or articles for a homepage, blog or “News” section on your website. In addition, business leaders have transitioned to blog tools like LinkedIn, where their messaging can be viewed by hundreds of readers (if not more!) in a newsfeed.

One suggestion Violet PR offers during this time is using anything your firm has employed to get out ahead of the COVID-19 spread (e.g., a unique approach, expanded resources or cooperation with the community) and “stretching” that into an article-length piece. This commentary would live on both social media and your company’s website and would be visible to journalists seeking sources.

With a target word count of about 450-800 words, these posts will show your business or organization is aware, diligent and able to “go the extra mile” for your stakeholders and communities. These posts should be shared with your target audiences and be cross promoted on multiple social media channels.

With a crowded news cycle, it’s hard to predict which content will truly “stick” or go viral, but your efforts will certainly be seen by those looking for information about your operation.

Again, it is Violet PR’s recommendation to stay active during this public health crisis. Your communications team, including the professionals at Violet PR, are here to help craft the message, edit the content or send to the pivotal voices of the press.

Please visit for more information as this situation unfolds.