AI Utilization in Public Relations

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the public relations (PR) industry, with tools such as ChatGPT, Brandwatch,, and QuillBot boosting efficiency, providing data-driven insights, and enhancing media monitoring practices. AI's capabilities can significantly streamline processes and offer valuable analysis for PR professionals, but the real magic happens when AI and human expertise combine. Successful integration happens when PR professionals blend technology’s strengths with the irreplaceable human elements of creativity and empathy. This human element ensures that PR efforts resonate personally and authentically, whereas AI can make messaging more targeted and impactful and efficient. It’s this human touch that ensures PR efforts resonate personally with the human decision-maker on the receiving end of message’s delivery.  

How Can PR Pros Best Utilize AI? 

Efficiency and Productivity 

AI is transforming PR by automating time-consuming tasks like trend spotting and data analysis. AI tools can identify key trends in large datasets more efficiently than humans. This increased efficiency allows PR professionals to concentrate more on creative and strategic content creation. With AI handling analytical tasks, PR professionals have more bandwidth to develop innovative, eye-catching content that creates the most visible opportunities for the organizations they represent. 

Data-Driven Insights 

AI's ability to analyze extensive data and reveal unique insights is a major advantage in public relations. Tools can quickly assess information ranging from social media interactions, to news coverage, to public sentiment, which enables PR professionals to predict audience reactions to messages or campaigns with greater accuracy. Although it’s important to ensure the accuracy of AI-generated data, taking advantage of its insights helps develop unique angles more quickly in the pursuit of achieving more impactful client results. For example, AI aids in audience segmentation by analyzing behavior and interests, facilitating more personalized and impactful communication. By automating these tasks, AI allows PR professionals to focus on creating tailored content, media pitches, or messaging strategies that align with unique audience interests. 

Media Monitoring 

In today’s fast-paced digital environment, media monitoring is key to understanding a campaign’s impact, and pivoting to improve results. AI powered media monitoring provides real-time alert tracking and analyzes brand mentions and conversations across various platforms.  This capability encourages proactivity, ensuring that secured press coverage or positive media mentions can be used in a timely and relevant way. This rapid monitoring and analysis also allows for PR pros to reach out quickly and secure corrections, when needed, to limit the impact of the distribution of inaccurate information.  

Undoubtedly, leveraging AI for media monitoring helps safeguard client interests, enhance strategies, and reinforce credibility within the industry. 

The Value of the Human Touch 

Maintaining Human Oversight 

Although AI has advanced capabilities, human oversight remains essential in the public relations field. AI is effective for writing initial drafts, refining pitches, or enhancing press releases. However, AI lacks the creativity, empathy and nuanced understanding of human emotions that has long made PR professionals so irreplicable. By using AI to gather data, analyze trends, and generate insights, PR teams can craft more informed strategies, but in order to develop authentic and impactful messaging, it’s important that PR professionals refine AI generated content. 

Invest in Training and Ethical Use 

To fully leverage AI in PR, investing in training is essential. Effectively integrating AI into workflows is only possible with well-researched understanding about how AI works and how the PR pro should interpret its outputs. Training should also cover the ethical use of AI, ensuring responsible data handling and transparency in decision-making. It’s important to recognize potential challenges, such as over-reliance on technology or inaccuracies in AI outputs. Fact-checking remains crucial, as AI-generated content may not always be accurate. Additionally, AI-written content is not always allowable in editorial media environments, so contributed articles need to never be written with the help of AI tools.  

With proper training it is easy to manage the likelihood of negative outcomes, enhancing both the efficiency and accuracy of PR efforts. 

Understanding AI’s Limitations 

Understanding AI’s limitations is key to its successful implementation. While AI can aid in ideation and streamline various tasks, it cannot replace the nuanced judgment and creative insights of human professionals. AI-generated content and data need careful interpretation and validation to avoid errors. AI-written pieces can often come out as very generic or even “fluffy,” a leading to very negative perceptions of any brands generating written material this way. Addressing these limitations early ensures that AI serves as a supportive tool rather than the replacement of a savvy PR mind.  

Additionally, privacy is crucial when using AI tools. PR pros need to avoid sharing sensitive information in AI platforms to protect the privacy of the organizations they represent. Using temporary “chats” within ChatGPT for confidential data can help maintain the integrity of the sensitive information. 

Like in any industry today, AI has significant potential for the public relations field - some of which is still untapped. By utilizing AI thoughtfully and maintaining human oversight and integrating a human touch, PR professionals can enhance the effectiveness and reach of their work in the years ahead, and even achieve more impactful results.  

We’re here to help. 

The Violet PR team works hard to stay on the cutting edge of technology, integrating it into our work to drive more effective PR campaigns for our clients each year. If your economic development or real estate organization is looking to increase positive perceptions for your city, state, or organization, we are here to help. Reach us at 

BlogRushali Parkeh