5 Ways EDOS Can Leverage Their Press Coverage


Congratulations on getting press coverage for the great things happening with economic development in your community! Those articles, features, television or radio pieces are so important for informing community stakeholders and attracting even more notice from prospective investors – but you will also want to ensure that this media coverage is noticed by all the right people since leveraging this positive press coverage is a critical part of your community’s brand.

A strategic approach to leveraging great PR will ensure you retain records of all press mentions, effectively communicate them to the right audiences, and broaden your reach. Here are some tips to ensure you enjoy all the benefits of successful public relations:

  1. Save articles, video and audio coverage in a variety of formats.

    While you will certainly want to link to the online version of any PR coverage, those can change over time. Don’t risk losing these important records to broken or dead links. Save the online versions as both web pages and images for your archives. You can insert images of news stories that may eventually be removed by the media organization and still preserve the benefits of the coverage.

  2. Promote links to great press on your social channels.

    While most EDOs recognize the value of posting them when they first come out, the value doesn’t have to end there. Consider reposting several times on different channels, in different relevant groups over the following weeks and months. Directors and employees should share posts from the company profile as well, to amplify reach and boost impressions. 

  3. Add links to the coverage on your website.

    Sharing the links, along with images and/or thumbnails, to the News section of your economic development organization webpage helps attract organic searches and fills in important context about related initiatives in your location.

  4. Share the press coverage in your e-newsletter and email marketing campaigns.

    Positive media coverage offers convincing proof points to potential investors and businesses making location decisions. It shows you can help them get noticed by being a part of your community. Consider throwing in an image from an article or video still in a newsletter, as images get more attention and click-throughs than text alone.

  5. Include links to press coverage about past successes in the About section of your RFP responses.

    If your EDO is competing for a new development or investment, including links to positive PR you’ve received will help convince decision-makers that you can get them media recognition by association. After all, you’ve done it before! Including these links helps document a long tradition of excellence for your organization.

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