5 Ways PR Firms Can Help Companies Weather the COVID-19 Pandemic

Whether it’s health care, the economy or politics, the coronavirus and its fallout has dominated the news cycle for months. As social distancing continues and new cases are on the rise across the southern U.S., organizations are faced with new communications challenges each day.

During these unprecedented times, an experienced public relations team can help companies stay in front of clients and prospects – and remain relevant – by generating high-quality content. Here are five ways that PR firms can help businesses weather the COVID-19 pandemic:

1. Help get the word out

COVID-19 has completely upended the media landscape; without a direct tie to the “news of the day,” it is more difficult than ever to get your company featured in news stories. In response, PR teams are leaning on their respective areas of expertise to ensure steady content output amid the pandemic. Communications experts can cultivate community- and public-health-related news items and develop compelling blog and social media content to ensure channels do not “go dark.” For our client, the New Jersey Business Action Center, we worked to highlight the various resources the organization provides by placing contributed articles in regional publications and sharing news frequently on both Twitter and LinkedIn.

2. Recognizing new trends

A smart PR campaign could be the key to maintaining a company’s reputation amid challenging times. While networking events, conferences and trade shows are postponed indefinitely, companies must find new ways to connect with prospects and partners. A PR team can help maximize a company’s reputation via social media, virtual networking events, webinars and virtual media interviews. PR pros can develop talking points and messaging for a virtual speaking opportunity or bylined article placement.

At Violet PR, we identify and publicize stories for our clients that tie into the nation’s recovery efforts. Specifically, we’ve seen success highlighting new small business grants and incentives, industry trends in aviation and design, plus environmental and transportation work in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) space. Our client, the Greater Topeka Partnership, leapt into action to help the region’s small business community, and offer key workforce incentives, during the COVID-19 pandemic. We were able to promote these news items nationally, getting coverage in Bloomberg, Fast Company, Next City, Axios
and others.

In N.J., we were quick to promote the ongoing environmental and transportation work conducted by Dresdner Robin during COVID-19. In partnership with the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT), the Jersey City-based land-use firm conducted critical site work and participated in virtual meetings among municipal regulatory boards. Armed with this information, we were able to get Dresdner Robin media attention in
publications like Engineering News-Record, Real Estate NJ, and others.

>3. PR campaigns won’t slow down during COVID-19

Unlike ongoing marketing campaigns that (without real-time updates) can seem tone-deaf in a time of crisis, a PR team can work closely with a team to create messages that benefit an organization and raise positive awareness. Because PR professionals are already equipped to work remotely, and create content daily, you won’t see campaign delays. If a marketing initiative has been impacted by COVID-19 (cancellation of trade shows or in-person events), a PR team can quickly pivot to create a temporary plan to reach key audiences while travel and public gathering restrictions continue. It’s uncertain how long social distancing will endure, but a smart PR team can help a business remain connected to its key audiences.

4. Seeing the ‘big picture’

At its core, a PR professional’s job is to manage a client’s position and reputation via favorable news coverage and improved web presence. In times of a pandemic, these principles hold true, as PR teams are working swiftly to develop newsworthy stories that speak to the challenges of the day (reemerging post-pandemic or assisting the community, etc.). Working with a team that clearly demonstrates a “big picture” mentality creates new opportunities to highlight a brand, while remaining empathetic to both target
audiences and recipients of the coverage.

One noteworthy campaign conducted by Violet PR during the COVID-19 lockdown included our work for the Pittsburgh International Airport. As the airport introduced new sanitization methods – including the use of autonomous robots – we packaged the news and shared nationally, resulting in over 40 news stories and 2.5 billion online impressions, including Good Morning America and the New York Times.

And in N.J., we worked with our clients at Lincoln Equities Group to develop a news announcement around their acquisition of a 1.2 million-square-foot pharma manufacturing facility in Central Jersey, formerly owned by Bristol Myers Squibb. Using targeted messaging, Violet PR emphasized the site’s potential as a campus for drug manufacturing “reshoring” or expansion during COVID-19 – resulting in more than 35 news stories, including Commercial Property Executive, Fierce Pharma, Connect New York and U.S .1.

5. Navigating COVID’s phased reopening

One questionable component to the global pandemic is the strategy for reopening and how various sectors recover. This locally based, gradual reopening strategy – along with the threat of a second wave – make it clear that companies will benefit by looking to PR professionals for sound strategic and creative guidance. We are working with organizations across multiple sectors – including real estate development, engineering and economic development – to strategize on how to best communicate with key audiences and refine key messages, often on a daily basis.

Overall, the road to recovery from coronavirus is uncertain, but there’s no reason for it to feel impossible. A PR team helps navigate the big-picture strategies and produces high-quality content so that an organization can actively communicate with its clients and prospects amid the uncertainty. This is an important approach that could help keep businesses visible – and profitable – in the months (and even years) ahead.

Interested in learning if a PR campaign is right for your company’s marketing agenda? Reach out to us for a chat.

How to Secure An (Online) Speaking Engagement During COVID-19

If you are looking to position yourself as a thought leader in your industry or bolster your overall profile, securing relevant speaking opportunities throughout the year should be a key component of your PR campaign.

Amid COVID-19, this task may seem impossible, but there are plenty of opportunities out there. Between webinars, virtual conferences, zoom networking events and happy hours– you just need to think outside the box!

Where do you find these relevant, reputable speaking opportunities? It is going to take some digging, but here are four strategies to consider:

1. Know Your Audience

If your goal is to land a speaking opportunity at an online industry event, you need to know the industry and have related expertise. Are you in commercial real estate, architecture, engineering and construction (AEC)? Be sure to do your research to pinpoint significant associations within the industry—which may include Bisnow, Urban Land Institute or CoreNet. One way of finding these events is to regularly read trade publications. Make a list of the organizations that specialize in your industry that would find your knowledge valuable. Make this a “living” document and add onto it whenever possible.

2. Be Prepared to Pitch and Follow Up

As with pitching yourself as a media spokesperson, offering yourself as a speaker to industry events may take some convincing – and creativity. Be prepared with a pitch, background on your industry experience, a list or links to past speaking engagements and bylined articles, and a variety of talking points tailored to the event or webinar. You could also reference ways you would address topics from recent events or industry themes the organization has been discussing.

As another crucial step, be sure to follow up and keep track of responses, as it takes time for event contacts to respond – especially amid COVID-19.

>3. Build Relationships

When event contacts begin to respond to your pitch, there’s an opportunity to build a relationship, regardless of the outcome. Invite them to chat via phone to discuss your talking points; or, connect on LinkedIn and consider sending a personalized thank you note after you attend one of their events. If you are not a fit for an event, connect them with someone in your network who might be – you never know when your paths will cross in the future. Getting your foot in the door is the most challenging step but could equate to lasting relationships.

4. Be Creative

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more complicated than ever to secure speaking engagements, given that many events are being moved online or rescheduled to 2021. To ensure success, you need to be immensely creative. There are plenty of virtual events and webinars taking place right now, but make sure to tailor pitches and talking points to each opportunity.

Still, no luck? Create an original webinar/virtual panel, pitch bylined articles to industry-focused trade publications for extra exposure, or alter your messaging to focus on topics deemed “valuable” in our current climate.

Need help securing top speaking or event opportunities? Reach out to sarah@violetpr.com to learn more about Violet PR’s service offerings. To read more PR strategies and tips, visit www.violetpr.com/blog.

Developing Web Copy, Blog Posts During COVID-19 Outbreak

As officials across the U.S., and the globe, struggle to keep pace with the COVID-19 outbreak, “everyday” business as we know it has halted. Retail and service providers are effectively on standby, firms within architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) are adjusting to the “new normal,” and economic development groups are racing to disseminate resources helpful to business owners and displaced workers.

As communications professionals, it is our job to take a calm, measured approach to the crisis by offering sound advice to sustain vital brand messaging. As such, a previous Violet PR blog post relayed top tips for remaining active through the coronavirus scare. Featured prominently among those recommendations: Do not “go dark.”

Today, we expand upon that effort, offering ways you can develop relevant content for blogs as well as pertinent messaging for your website – a shift in focus that could yield a valuable resource “portal” for your stakeholders.

Sites and Forums

As a business or organization with a unique message, it is time to think about ways you can communicate crucial information to target demographics, residents and other stakeholders.

Your resources could become a go-to “forum” for your stakeholders. For example, Tompkins County Area Development (TCAD), the economic development group for Ithaca, N.Y., has turned its homepage into a vital “newsfeed” for local constituents who may be relying on assistance from state government. TCAD has steadily added information to its homepage, almost in real time, to reflect the changing tides of this outbreak. They’ve pointed readers to the state’s Rapid Response Team and tips on unemployment insurance, as well as disaster funding and medical/healthcare guidance.

On the private sector side, hyperlocal news platform, Patch.com, which is in 1,226 communities nationwide, has ramped up its efforts to serve its municipalities, pointing readers to the popular “Neighbor Posts” for near-real-time input from civic leaders. Patch also encourages readers to volunteer to help neighbors, provide news tips, share ways they’re keeping safe and post about local business.

A daily e-blast from the team notes, “We’ll continue working to keep you informed and connected… – Your friends at Patch.” This is an encouraging sign from a platform that’s capable of informing residents, city officials and businesses.

On the AEC side, firms are heeding the advice of the medical community, and are developing continuity strategies and working to avail themselves to employees, clients, partners and local officials. For example, Violet PR worked alongside Jersey City, N.J.-based land-use firm, Dresdner Robin, to develop web and social media copy that both acknowledges the outbreak/measures taken to mitigate the threat, and ensures clients that workflow will continue.

Overall, businesses can and should be thinking about ways they can assist their respective communities. With reporters craving COVID-19-related content, including uplifting or innovative approaches to conducting business, companies can consider highlighting ways in which they’re thinking “outside the box” or offering valuable resources. Both innovative thinking and readily available resources will prove helpful for the public and your business in a time of great uncertainty.

Targeted Content

These strategic and/or innovative approaches also translate nicely to longer-form posts or articles for a homepage, blog or “News” section on your website. In addition, business leaders have transitioned to blog tools like LinkedIn, where their messaging can be viewed by hundreds of readers (if not more!) in a newsfeed.

One suggestion Violet PR offers during this time is using anything your firm has employed to get out ahead of the COVID-19 spread (e.g., a unique approach, expanded resources or cooperation with the community) and “stretching” that into an article-length piece. This commentary would live on both social media and your company’s website and would be visible to journalists seeking sources.

With a target word count of about 450-800 words, these posts will show your business or organization is aware, diligent and able to “go the extra mile” for your stakeholders and communities. These posts should be shared with your target audiences and be cross promoted on multiple social media channels.

With a crowded news cycle, it’s hard to predict which content will truly “stick” or go viral, but your efforts will certainly be seen by those looking for information about your operation.

Again, it is Violet PR’s recommendation to stay active during this public health crisis. Your communications team, including the professionals at Violet PR, are here to help craft the message, edit the content or send to the pivotal voices of the press.

Please visit www.VioletPR.com for more information as this situation unfolds.

What Violet PR is Doing During COVID-19

As we continue to experience the global impact of COVID-19, the health and safety of our employees, their families, and our clients is our highest priority. We hope that you and your loved ones are remaining healthy and well during this difficult time.

At Violet PR, we are continuing to provide excellent service to our clients while complying with the current health and safety guidelines by working remotely. We will continue to work from home until it is clear that we can safely adjust back to typical work life without endangering anyone in our community who may be susceptible to complications from coronavirus.

We are fortunate to live in a time where our work can continue uninterrupted no matter where we are, and we will continue to provide unmatched service to our clients during these uncertain times. We are still learning what new challenges we will face in this changing world, but we are adaptable and enthusiastic in our pursuit of new ways of storytelling during an unprecedented time. It is more important than ever to communicate clearly and efficiently as the environment changes rapidly, and our team will be here for you to create effective, responsive messaging for your company. We are prepared to adapt as the COVID-19 situation evolves, and we will be ready to navigate whatever communication challenges that may arise.

Violet PR has been serving clients across the country from our Montclair, NJ headquarters for the past decade, and we are so grateful to be a part of this community through thick and thin. We will be continuing our work for you however this situation unfolds. We appreciate your continued partnership during this difficult time. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us via phone or email with any questions or concerns you may have.

For any questions or concerns, feel free to contact April Mason here:
